A GDPR Guide For Bloggers
blogging, digital, travel bloggersThe new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force starting 25th May 2018. The regulations are designed to be an update to the Data Protection Act laws from 1998, which - as you can imagine - are waaaaay out of date.
So are…

Why The Blog Has Been So Quiet Lately
blogging, digital, travel, travel bloggers
Hi guys, hope you're keeping well! Apologies for the silent treatment of late. Since July I've had to step away from blogging and social media a little, for various reasons.
I guess my recent unenthusiastic approach to blogging and social…

Skyscanner’s #24hPeriscope: Exploring ‘Yuccie’ Islington In London
digital, london, travel, travel bloggersYou've all heard of the term 'yuccie', right? No? Well think of it as a more creative, entrepreneurial hipster.
A yuccie, as described perfectly by Skyscanner, is a young, urban creative. Yuccies are a new breed of young people that like…

Ultimate Ears Megaboom Speaker: Your New Group Travel Toy
digital, reviewA few weeks ago I was invited to the Snozone at Milton Keynes to have a snowboarding lesson with GB Olympic snowboarder, Aimee Fuller. The event was part of the launch of what I now believe is the ultimate wireless speaker...
I'll be honest,…

I Own Shares In A Beer Company. I am A BrewDog Equity Punk.
beer, digital, foodIn 2011, I bought shares in a craft beer company called BrewDog, through a crowdfunding project called Equity For Punks.
Much like my first digital agency bigmouthmedia, BrewDog is a huge Scottish success story, and has been the UK's fastest…

My 10 Year Anniversary In Digital Marketing
digitalNovember 2014 marks my 10 year anniversary in digital marketing, so it seemed fitting to tell the story of how my career began, and how I ended up where I am today.
It all began in Wilmington, North Carolina, in 2002...
For regular…

Zeus Server – WordPress Remove index.php In Permalinks And Image Rendering Problems
blogging, digitalGeek post.Wordpress is great. It now powers around 19% of the web. It's simple to use, intuitive, has fantastic theme templates and plugins, and will continue to thrive. But what happens when your web host uses a different server than Apache?…

8 Apps I Couldn’t Live Without When Travelling The World
5monthsoff, digital, travelMy iPhone 4S was the only piece of technology I took travelling with me. Initially I wasn't going to use it much, but the day before I left, I was encouraged to post something on Facebook every 3 or 4 days, just to let friends and family know…

Lessons from Losing my iPhone
digital, meWhen I finally switched from Android to Apple last year, it was like moving from a Vauxhall Corsa to a BMW (no offence to those who own a Vauxhall Corsa). It was so easy, so fast, a great transition, and I loved it. Then, 5 weeks ago, my mobile…

Escaping Your Personalised Web Bubble
digitalAre web algorithms hiding information from us? Are Facebook, Google, Netflix and others marching so quickly towards personalised content that they are showing us what they think they want us to see rather than what we need to see?
A few…