8 Tips To Prevent Altitude Sickness In South America
5monthsoff, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, South America, travel, travel tips
Altitude sickness is something a lot of travellers worry about before setting off on their round the world adventures.
Not me. I never get ill. I've had one sick day in my working life (9 years) and wouldn't have expected anything less…

Beach Hopping In Brazil
5monthsoff, Brazil, South America, travelMany people told me that if you speak fluent Spanish, you shouldn't have too much of a problem understanding Portuguese. Herein lies two problems. First, I don't speak fluent Spanish. Secondly, I didn't realise how very different the two languages…

Cycling The Worlds Most Dangerous Road In Bolivia
5monthsoff, Bolivia, South America, travelI was travelling with a Dutch girl across the Peru / Bolivia border when we first started talking about things to do in Bolivia. We opened her travel book and started reading about La Paz.
"Are you going to cycle down the worlds most dangerous…

Hiking The Inca Trail To Machu Picchu
5monthsoff, Hiking, Peru, South America, travel
I remember first hearing about Machu Picchu in geography class at high school. I must have been 13 or 14 at the time, and I remember thinking how amazing it would be to visit such a place, to visit one of the New7Wonders of the world. Fast…

Exploring Tayrona National Park & Cartagena With Intrepid Travel
5monthsoff, colombia, South America, travel
Before I left the UK, everyone I spoke to that had previously visited Colombia raved about Cartagena. Looking through pictures before I left, it did look stunning, so I made sure I had a couple of days to spare at the end of my Intrepid…

Marvellous Medellin, El Peñól, and Guatapé In Colombia
5monthsoff, colombia, South America, travelMedellin has a troubled past. In the 90's Medellin was one of the most dangerous cities in the world, and even up to 10 years ago, it was riddled with crime, after trying to shake off the aftermath of the Escobar drug cartel.
As such, my…

A Quick Trip Round Bogota, Colombia
5monthsoff, colombia, South America, travel
I've only been travelling for 3 weeks, but it feels more like 3 months. This is my second day of doing nothing, so I thought it was about time to catch up on a few blog posts and share some pics and stories with you from the journey so far.