New Google Chrome TV Advert – Dear Hollie

It stands to reason that Google have never been big on print or TV advertising, but the digital giant finally debuted it's first UK TV advert for Google Chrome, entitled 'Dear Hollie', on May 28th.Tonight, during tonight's final of Britain's…

Maru Cat Boxes

It's been a while since my last post. I've been busy. To help you escape the Royal Wedding fever, let me introduce you to an online feline phenomenon. You think that intro was too strong? Think again.Maru the cat is possibly the most well known…

Returning to Tignes

As a group we haven't skied in Tignes since 2007. Now, we've booked to go back. Nic and Karen of La Brasero - brace yourselves...the bar is about to be decorated with fancy dress characters from 6th Feb.Could you also please get some…

3D Display Advertising

We're rapidly moving into a 3D generation, with technology companies and entertainment houses developing a whole host of 3D consumer products. With that in mind, are we far off 3D display advertising?BSkyB launched their 3D TV service in October…

Theft Proof Wallet

No-one can make a 100% theft proof wallet, but it doesn't stop companies trying. Q might have come the closest.The clever chaps at Dunhill and TungstenW have created the closest thing to a theft proof wallet. They call it a biometric wallet.…

World’s Largest Water Balloon Fight

One word: Awesome.[via.]

Facebook File Sharing Service Coming Soon?

Sometimes email inboxes are simply not big enough to cope with the big attachments I send. This makes file sharing problematic. Occasionally I use the my company's extranet, but that often gets complicated with usernames and passwords. So more…

Blog Redecoration

I feel I've neglected the Jamjar blog for some time. In fact my last post was on 23rd December, 2009. For someone who works in Digital Marketing, and closely with other bloggers, I actually feel quite bad about it. I have been incredibly busy…

Lost Season 6 Posters

Since the end of Lost Season 5 there has been a lot of debate on forums and blogs about how Lost will end. There's no doubt in my mind that Lost is one of the best written shows on TV - what other series can you think of which leaves so many…

Lost: Season 5 Finale

(SE05E16/ SE05E17) - "Are you sure I'm the one who doesn't believe in you?" - Christian.I've not blogged for months, and the last time I blogged about LOST was back in July last year, but the season 5 finale of LOST has left me mind boggled.…