Ski service locations Edinburgh

It’s An Appropriate Day To Talk About Steak

Valentine's Day is, on the whole, a day dedicated to ladies. For this reason, a day dedicated to men was created, exactly one month after Valentine's Day - 14th March. It involves two things men love. One of those things is steak.Most thoroughbred…
Ski service locations Edinburgh

QR Codes on Bikini Bottoms

This is from last year, but definitly worth adding to the jamjar. Last summer, Betfair placed QR codes on two beach volleyball sportswomen.Zara Dampney, 24, and Shauna Mullin, 26, agreed to wear bikini bottoms that have the quick response (QR)…
Ski service locations Edinburgh

10 of the Funniest Stag Do Pictures (NSFW)

It's a phrase that sends shudders down most peoples spines. Stag do. It's a taboo subject for females. Even the male participants in the traditional bachelor-sign-off event get nervous. Stag parties are a celebration of your last nights…
European Sterotypes - Adventure Bagging

European Sterotypes

Whenever I work on multiple market projects at work, there is usually some sort of collaboration with people in our offices in Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Soon enough, email chains and phone conversations will eventually end up with…
Ski service locations Edinburgh
Ski service locations Edinburgh

Camera+ Meet New York. New York, Meet Camera+

I was introduced to the Camera+ app back in November, a few weeks after getting my new iPhone 4S. Less than 2 months later I tweeted saying it's the best 69p you could spend on an app. I was never really interested in photography with my…
Ski service locations Edinburgh

Victory Dance

No matter who you are, always have your victory dance ready, for the big and small triumphs in life :)Got a victory dance you want to share? Let me know!
Ski service locations Edinburgh

Ski Service Edinburgh

It's that time of the ski season again. Ski servicing time. Christmas has passed, and if you haven't managed to hit the snow early, next on the holiday calendar is the ski holiday. You go the cupboard or garage, grab the bag containing your…
Ski service locations Edinburgh

Human Evolution

Greed, recessions, Eurozone in crisis, obesity, get the idea.
Ski service locations Edinburgh

Flight Seating Strategy

I do this. If you've flown easyJet or another airline that doesn't allocate seats, I bet you've done it too :)Image courtesy of The Oatmeal