Hiking The Fox Glacier - New Zealand

Hiking The Fox Glacier In New Zealand

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I love the outdoors. Since I was young I've been riding bikes, running around, climbing mountains, and generally trying my hand at any outdoor activity I could. Safe to say, New Zealand was my outdoor playground mecca. After visiting…
Hong Kong Foodie Tasting Tour - Adventure Bagging

A Foodie Tour Around Hong Kong

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Picture the scene. I've been delayed by 4 hours at Shanghai airport. This means I land into Hong Kong at 3am. I'm tired after my 21 hour journey....from Auckland. I pass through immigration, and head to the trains. The trains don't run until…
Simon on a remote island - boat cruise, Paraty, Brazil

8 Apps I Couldn’t Live Without When Travelling The World

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My iPhone 4S was the only piece of technology I took travelling with me. Initially I wasn't going to use it much, but the day before I left, I was encouraged to post something on Facebook every 3 or 4 days, just to let friends and family know…
Simon Heyes, skydiving in New Zealand

A 15,000ft Skydive In Queenstown

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I know what you're thinking. "Why on earth would you do that?!". But then I also know what fellow skydivers are thinking. Well, not thinking....just smiling, acknowledging, and...understanding. Unlike bungee jumping, doing a skydive was…
Simon Heyes - Sailing around the Whitsunday Islands, Australia

Waltzing Around the Whitsunday Islands

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Before I left the UK, I was always managing expectations. In work, in relationships, in most things I did. But when it came to travelling, I tried to erase any expectations about countries, people, culture, scenery and everything else my mind…
Cartagena tour group, Colombia

A Big Thank You Fellow Travellers

What an amazing 5 months. When I landed back into the familiarity of London Heathrow I felt elated, deflated, excited and a little sad. I visited some amazing places, saw some of the most stunning scenery in the world, and now have a huge…
Six Types Of Chinese Tea - Adventure Bagging

Discovering The Six Different Types of Chinese Tea

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I love tea. The British Empire was built on tea. Give me English breakfast tea, milk and one sugar, and I'm happy. After hiking Snowdon a few year ago, I even discovered a cafe in Llanberis that serves pints of English breakfast tea. I've…
Exploring Fraser Island is a 4x4 truck, Australia - Adventure Bagging

6 Awesome Things About Fraser Island

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First things first. Fraser Island, located off the Queensland coast in Australia, is the largest sand island in the world. "See that steep fall down to your left? And the steep hill to your right? Yeah...we're essentially driving on the side…
Simon Heyes - bungee jump - Cairns, Australia

How Fate Won Me A Goldfish Racing Competition And A Bungee Jump

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"A man goes to the doctors complaining that he keeps shitting a strawberry every day. 'Don't worry', the doctor says, 'we've got cream for that!'". I was on a bus journey between Port Douglas and Cairns in Australia, and the other passengers…
Simon on a remote island - boat cruise, Paraty, Brazil

Beach Hopping In Brazil

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Many people told me that if you speak fluent Spanish, you shouldn't have too much of a problem understanding Portuguese. Herein lies two problems. First, I don't speak fluent Spanish. Secondly, I didn't realise how very different the two languages…