The A82 road to Fort William - Adventure Bagging


I like to think I'm a creative person. This quote was shared with me a few weeks ago by someone who also believes I have creative blood. It's a big picture thing, and it certainly struck a chord with me, so I thought I'd share it with you :)."Creativity…
The A82 road to Fort William - Adventure Bagging

The Big Picture

Whenever I have deep and meaningful conversations about life, I always refer to the 'big picture'. My outlook of life has always been to avoid getting bogged down in the day to day strifes, and focus on the longer term experiences which are…
The A82 road to Fort William - Adventure Bagging

My First Infographic!

I'm a 'learn by doing' guy, so I've always been curious about creating videos and infographics. As such, I thought it was about time I had a go at creating an is the infographic site of choice, and the recently launched…
The A82 road to Fort William - Adventure Bagging

How To Scan A QR Code

I keep seeing QR codes pop up more and more. East London, New York, Cornwall...and even the Lake District. Last Christmas I was in a karaoke bar in Edinburgh with some guys from my football team (of which none of them work in digital, and wouldn't…
The A82 road to Fort William - Adventure Bagging

Altruism Versus Self-Interest

I've always been intrigued as to how and why certain people behave in a certain way in a given situation. Why do they choose x over y? Did they do that certain something truly for someone else, or did they do it simply to make themselves feel…
The A82 road to Fort William - Adventure Bagging

A Few Of My Favourite Places In The UK

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Before I had a jet-setting lifestyle, there was some pattern to places I used to visit around the UK. I was born, raised and schooled in Preston, so the Lake District was only an hours drive away. I've been going every year since I was one year…
The A82 road to Fort William - Adventure Bagging

A Fishermen, Sand and Hats Puzzle

If you're with a group of people and/or bored and looking for something to do, give this little hat puzzle a whirl. It's one of those 'think logically' questions - good luck!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A…
The A82 road to Fort William - Adventure Bagging

A Very Gentlemanly Hip Flask

I recently joined It's a bit like a manly version of Pinterest. It's almost like these hip flasks were made for Gentlemint. An essential item for your inside pocket. I'd recommend a single malt, port or damson gin. Found in…
The A82 road to Fort William - Adventure Bagging

Songs to Play When the Sun is Out

Spring has broken! The sun is out! That puts most Brits in a happy, positive mood, so I've compiled a collaborative playlist of songs to play when sitting in the sun, or even if the sun is out and you're stuck indoors.So here you go - songs…
The A82 road to Fort William - Adventure Bagging

Every Possible Variety of Beer

Know your India Pale Ale from your Strong Pale Ale? How about your Double IPA from your Black IPA? A new six feet square print is now available to buy on for $32. Entitled "The Very, Very Many Varieties of Beer", this chart covers…