Tips For Travelling Solo Around The World
5monthsoff, Brazil, China, colombia, South America, travel, travel tipsEver since 2003 I was determined to travel around the world by myself. I'm not sure why I set my mind on travelling solo. It might have been my strong independence, or it might have been something that I just had to do alone.
Travelling round…

Bus Journey Experiences in South America
5monthsoff, Argentina, Brazil, colombia, Peru, South America, travelIt was around the time the officers automatic weapon was pressed firmly against my shoulder that I decided to write this blog post.
'Expect the unexpected when it comes to South American bus journeys', I should have told myself at the start…

The Short Story About My Pair Of Brazilian Sungas
5monthsoff, Brazil, South America, travelWherever I travel, I always try to immerse myself in the local culture. Traditions, ways of life, food, drink, dancing...you name it, I'll try it.
For those of you that have been to Brazil, and walked a long one of Rio de Janeiro's many fine…

Beach Hopping In Brazil
5monthsoff, Brazil, South America, travelMany people told me that if you speak fluent Spanish, you shouldn't have too much of a problem understanding Portuguese. Herein lies two problems. First, I don't speak fluent Spanish. Secondly, I didn't realise how very different the two languages…