Yesterday At Wimbledon

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Yesterday I was very lucky to be invited to Wimbledon by Hertz. I’ve been to Wimbledon once before, but never got access to the courts. This time around, I managed to tick a few things off my bucket list…

With free-flowing Pimms in hand, I stepped onto Court 1, and saw a Wimbledon champion playing at Wimbledon.

Andy Murray playing Blaz Rola on Court 1 - Wimbledon 2014


Andy Murray serving on Court 1 - Wimbledon 2014

Andy Murray made quick work of Blaz Rola, but it was great to see the Scot and current Wimbledon champion in action.

After a refuelling of Pimms, I was back outside, walking towards Centre Court. Before I was invited, I didn’t look into who was playing, but was very grateful when I sat down, watched Dimitrov win, and then realise I was about to watch Novak Djokovic beat Radek Stepanek.

Djokovic playing Stepanek on Cenre Court - Wimbledon 2014

Bucket list item number two – watch a game of tennis on Centre Court at Wimbledon. It is a magnificent arena, and it was an amazing experience to watch my first (brilliant) game on centre court.

Naturally, between matches I took my chance to get a few pictures nearer to the court…

A close up of Centre Court, Wimbledon 2014


Simon Heyes next to Centre Court, Wimbledon 2014
The panama makes its first outing in 12 months!

As an added bonus, former Wimbledon champion Stefan Edberg also made an appearance in the Hertz suite, which gave us an opportunity to ask him some questions. Edberg is now the coach of Roger Federer, so many people asked him about Roger’s chances this year.

Not me.

I asked him if Roger has any pre-match rituals, and if he wears lucky pants.

Chatting to former Wimbledon champion, Stefan Edberg
Chatting to Stefan Edberg
If he did (have any pre-match rituals), I wouldn’t tell you“, he replied. Fair enough Stefan, fair enough.
Back outside I stocked up on Pimms (you can see the running theme here, can’t you?), and helped myself to some strawberries and cream. You can’t not have strawberries and cream when at Wimbledon.
Strawberries and cream at Wimbledon 2014

A quick break from the courts also allowed me to roam around the grounds, taking in the spectacular views from Murray Mound, looking towards London…

Murray Mound looking towards London - Wimbledon 2014

…and also some of the history of Wimbledon, include a quick pause to remember the tennis legend that is Fred Perry.

Fred Perry statue - Wimbledon 2014

The afternoon was made all the better by some great company (and some great sunny weather!). Fellow bloggers, journalists, digital marketers were in attendance, and combined with the team from Hertz, it made ticking items off my bucket list very enjoyable indeed.

Temerity, myself, Julie and Sarah

With the day drawing to close, we wandered around the courts, and found former Wimbledon champion Martina Hingis playing in a doubles match – the first time she’s played at Wimbledon after a seven-year exile.

Martina Hingis playing at Wimbledon 2014

Thanks again to everyone who made it a great day!

DISCLOSURE – I was invited for a VIP day at Wimbledon for a collaboration with Hertz. All the opinions above are my own however.

1 reply
  1. says:

    Wow that would be an incredible experience – you're lucky to have been invited! Looks like a stunning day for it too! A very 'English' day by the looks of things, definitely one I'd like to tick off my bucket list!


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