Recap Of 2015
What a year 2015 has been. A year of firsts, a year of repeats, a year of new videos, a year of new countries, as well as a wide range of new experiences and a big move forward with the blog.
January started in busy fashion, and the year…

Recap Of 2014
UncategorisedFor those of you who follow me and this blog, it should come as no surprise when I say 2013 was an utter shitter of a year. Aside from January to March, the other months should be wiped from history. As such, although I did recaps for 2011 and…

CLA Game Fair – His And Hers Barbour Jacket Giveaway
UncategorisedI am a big fan of the countryside. Always have been. I was driving around on tractors in my dad's field from the age of 9. We grew and sold plants and vegetables at our local market. We used to keep chickens at the bottom of our garden, and…

The LUXE Is No More – Long Live Smiths At Spitalfields
The fab team at Smiths invited me along for the launch of Smiths at Spitalfields. As well as Gin and Jazz, we were treated to canapes, beer and gin cocktails. Here are a few photos from the night :)
Smith Spitalfields Best of…

Why I Became An Organ Donor
When I was growing up I was never really close to my sister.
We had a lot of things in common, but we also did a lot of things...differently. It was only really the last few years that we grew close again. I haven't lived at home since…

Throwing Food In the Air And Catching It In Your Mouth
UncategorisedI did this for the first time in ages yesterday. It was surprisingly enjoyable and liberating! Go on, you know you want to...Original image from 1000awesomethings.comAh the joys of throwing food in the air and catching it in your mouth :-)

Team GB Facebook Cover
UncategorisedI was searching for ages trying to find a good Team GB Facebook cover photo to add to my profile. In the end I made my own. Feel free to save the image and use as your Facebook cover! The writing at the bottom left of the image gets covered…

13 Items That Show You’re An Early 90’s School Kid
UncategorisedThis throwback, nostalgic post was inspired by this post over on BuzzFeed. I thought I'd add more of a UK spin :)Weren't the 90's great? Here's 13 items that you usually saw in the playground, round someones wrist, on someones forehead…

A Fishermen, Sand and Hats Puzzle
UncategorisedIf you're with a group of people and/or bored and looking for something to do, give this little hat puzzle a whirl. It's one of those 'think logically' questions - good luck!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A…

A Very Gentlemanly Hip Flask
UncategorisedI recently joined Gentlemint.com. It's a bit like a manly version of Pinterest. It's almost like these hip flasks were made for Gentlemint. An essential item for your inside pocket. I'd recommend a single malt, port or damson gin. Found in…