Switching Off Means Switching On

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I’ve worked in digital marketing for 7 years. I’m online for approximately 13 hours per day, split between desktop and mobile. I had a conversation with a friend recently who told me I sometimes need to ‘switch off’.

For many people, the idea of ‘switching off’ involves going and sitting on the beach in the sun, with a book or two. Or watching TV. Or doing something athletic. But what many non-digital natives don’t understand is that sometimes the best way to switch off is to switch on. Write a blog post, update Facebook, buy something, play a game, learn something new.

I like sunning myself on a beach. I play a lot of sport. But sometimes the easiest, quickest way to switch off is to switch on.

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  1. […] used to be the sort of person that said I needed to switch on to switch off. Not so anymore. I’ve played a lot of golf. I walk the puppy. If I take Pip for a walk in the […]

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