Austrian Après: The Best Songs You’ll Hear In The Bars

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No country does apres ski quite like Austria.

French resorts usually have a DJ set and live bands playing the usual tunes, and yeah it’s fun, but it’s no different to what you would hear back in the UK.

Austrian apres ski is completely different. You ski all day, head down off the slopes at some point after 3pm, head to the bars, party until your legs don’t work anymore, head home, get food, be asleep before midnight.

With 20 years of apres ski under my belt, Austria does it best.

If you’ve experienced Austrian apres ski before, you’ll recognise some of the songs on the list below.

If you’re new to Austrian apres ski songs and you press play on one of the songs below, you’ll wonder what on Earth you just heard, and why would a song like that be popular.

Again, Austria just does apres ski…differently.

Head to Mayrhofen, Ischgl, Soll, Kaprun, Saalbach, Lech, St. Anton or another Austrian resort and the tunes below will be ringing in your ears long after you return home.

Austrian apres ski is filled with German and Dutch Euro-pop songs. Songs that if released in the UK would take an almighty panning from the less than sympathetic media.

So if you’re in a bar in an Austrian resort and these songs come on, get involved. Learn the moves, cheers your drink to the person next to you, and enjoy the ride 🙂

Here are the top, best Austrian apres ski songs your hear around the resorts in Arlberg, the Zillertal, the Ski Welt and the Ski Circus.

For those on mobile: YouTube playlist and Spotify playlist.

Enjoy the tunes!

Dit zijn de beste après-skinummers die je in de Oostenrijkse skigebieden zult horen!


  1. DJ Alex & Matty Valentino – Auffe Aufn Berg
  2. Johnny Däpp (Ich will Malle zurück) – Lorenz Büffel
  3. Mama Laudaaa – Almklausi
  4. Mickie Krause – Schatzi schenk mir ein Foto
  5. Snollebollekes – Links Rechts
  6. Eisbären – Sound Convoy
  8. Wackelkontact – Oimara
  9. Kölsche Jung (Party Edit) – Brings
  10. Der alte Dessauer (So feiern wir alle Tage)
  11. Die Draufgänger – Cordula Grün
  12. Mickie Krause – Sie hatte nur noch Schuhe an
  13. Neil Diamond – Sweet Caroline
  14. Tobee – Helikopter 117
  15. Der DJ aus den Bergen
  16. Mickie Krause – Eine Woche Schnee
  17. Ab auf die Piste – Mountain Crew
  18. HURRA DIE GAMS – Matty Valentino
  19. Oh le le – Tobee
  20. Stereoact feat. Kerstin Ott – Die Immer Lacht
  21. Anthony Modeste Song
  22. 20 Zentimeter – Frenzy Blitz
  23. Lawineboys Feat. Dj Jerome – Sex Met Die Kale
  24. Ich verkaufe meinen Körper – Peter Wackel
  25. Andreas Gabalier – Hulapalu
  26. Mickie Krause – Ich Bin Solo
  27. Joana – Peter Wackel
  28. Axel Fischer – #Amsterdam

The playlists contain a few more songs above and beyond this list. If you think I’ve missed any, let me know in the comments below! 🙂

3 replies
  1. Matt Durbin
    Matt Durbin says:

    Brilliant piece. Just come back from Mayrhofen. Austrian apres is amazing. They played all these songs. Hearing them before I went made the experience much more enjoyable. Mickie Krause Eine Woche Wach is now Eine Woche Schnee in the bars now.

    • Simon Heyes
      Simon Heyes says:

      Hi Matt, glad you enjoyed them! Up until last year, the Bruck n’Stadl and the Eisbar were my favourite apres ski bars of choice too! Changed it this year for the apres ski temple that is the Hofstadl in Flacau….equally as enjoyable!


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  1. […] the Austrian apres ski songs get belted out, dancing on tables is a must, and if you manage to get the small, up the stairs […]

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