Hawker House Night Market – Best Pop Up Street Food In London


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I haven’t penned a foodie blog post for a while, so when I was given an early birthday surprise to visit the Hawker House Street Feast night market, it made sense to share some of the highlights of the evening. Especially as the Street Feast provided some of the best food I’ve ever tasted…

Hawker House night market first popped up on my radar just before Christmas, when I saw this post on Twitter. You could say I was VERY happy when we turned the corner of Pritchards Road, and I saw the Hawker House sign loom into view.

Hawker House Street Feast sign

The £3 entry is a bargain to get access to some of the best food you can eat in London beyond 9pm.

We headed to the bar, grabbed a pint of Fuller’s Frontier craft beer, and began to browse.

Fullers Frontier craft beer - Hawker House

The dimly lit rooms are full of people tucking into ribs, wraps, brisket, burritos, mojitos and brownies.

Hawker House main bar room


BBQ Lab and French & Grace at Hawker House Street Feast


Hawker House hashtag

We wasted no time, and headed to Hotbox. They are a pop up beef and ribs shack, with their very own mobile smoker. Check out what we saw as we were about to order.

Hotbox mobile smoker - full of ribs!

We ordered a box full of USDA beef, with a smokey, sweet BBQ sauce. It was DELICIOUS, and possibly the most moist beef I’ve ever tasted.

Hawker House - Hotbox beef

Hotbox beef and chillis - Hawker House
Pictures from HotboxLDN on Twitter

Next we tried some pork ‘loinpops’, £2 each for melt in your mouth pork. You can probably tell we enjoyed them!

Loinpops from the BBQ Lab - Hawker House Street Feast

After that, we re-filled on craft beer, and tucked into beef and chicken tacos, followed by a tasty chorizo and halloumi wrap from French and Grace.

Korean beef and chicken tacos from Kimchinary - Hawker House


Chorizo and halloumi wrap from French and Grace

After a couple of refreshing mojitos, we hit the Kimchinary Korean beef stand and grabbed a very tasty, spicy beef burrito – best value of the night for £6.50.

Kimchinary Korean beef burrito
Picture from @Yokopicasso on Twitter

We were just about full to bursting at this point, but earlier in the night, I spotted the Whisky Bar, with some of the best collections of whisky from around the world that I’d ever seen. We tried the Hibiki 17 Japanese whisky. Smooth, flavoursome and simply amazing.

Whisky Bar menu - Hawker House


Hibiki 17 as a candle holder


A large Hibiki 17 whisky - Hawker House

As we had an hour journey to get home, we packed ourselves a little doggy bag. Of brownies. For anyone wanting to taste one of the best browny flavours, head to Hawker House and try the Berry Crunch. If you do, and you agree, please thank me on Twitter.

Triple Chocolate - Bad Brownie - Hawker House


Berry Crunch - Bad Brownie - Hawker House

Street Feast is possibly the best night food market around. It is running at Hawker House every Friday and Saturday night, until 21st/22nd March.

As you’ve probably seen from the photos, it brings together some of London’s best street food traders, chefs and restaurants. They serve pint-sized mojitos, craft beer, great wine and great food.

Grab yourself a free evening, and go and enjoy – you won’t regret it!

For more information, and the location of Hawker House, visit the Street Feast website.

Reviewed on by Simon Heyes
Street Feast London – Hawker House
Some of the best street food in London!
Street Feast at Hawker House is located 38-50 Pritchards Road, London, E2 9AP
Rating: 5

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