Camera+ Meet New York. New York, Meet Camera+


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I was introduced to the Camera+ app back in November, a few weeks after getting my new iPhone 4S. Less than 2 months later I tweeted saying it’s the best 69p you could spend on an app.

I was never really interested in photography with my other phones. Either the picture quality was poor, the memory was insufficient to hold several high resolution images, the flash was so powerful or so weak it ruined the photo, or all of the above. Then, when I got the iPhone 4S, I started playing around with the 8MP camera. The photos were crystal clear and sharp. Then I was introduced to the Camera+ app, and my photography interest was taken to a whole new level.

I’m not getting paid to write this post. I simply believe that great tools should be shared for everyone to experience, and this app is one of those tools. Every time I shared one of my Camera+ photos online, my friends and colleagues couldn’t believe it was taken using my iPhone. They encouraged me to show you – the mobile photograph loving internet user – the real quality of the app. So, I figured a blog post was in store, and since I would be in New York for New Year, what better opportunity to take some amazing photos.

The following pics are in no particular order, they are just some sights and images I found interesting, as captured using the Camera+ app.

Brooklyn Bridge
Flatiron Building
View from the Empire State Building, looking South
Steps leading to the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park
Outside the Guggenheim museum
Sat looking pensive
Brooklyn Bridge

As I read on an old Nokia blog, most of us walk around every day with an amazing tool in our pockets, but how many of us actual use it to it’s full potential? How many random sights do you pass everyday and find interesting, but never take a photo? Tomorrow, take that photo.

If I had $1 for everyone that downloaded the Camera+ app, I’d be able to convince US coffee shops to start offering flat whites (why has that still not happened?!).

I hope this post opens your eyes to the fun world of this super cool app. Give it a go, let me know how you get on 🙂

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  1. […] was – a car was hired, and Dublin, Cork and Blarney Castle were top of the to-do list (with Camera+ in […]

  2. […] role became officially international in 2009. I travelled everywhere – from Dubai and Doha to New York and Nice. I was taking over 100 flights a year. It was exciting, adrenaline-fuelled and a brilliant […]

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