4 Skiing Tips – Video Tutorials

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It’s getting to that time of year again. Blow the dust of the skis, get them edged and waxed, throw them in the bag, and head to the slopes. Straight out of your hotel or chalet, you’re more excited than a kid at Christmas. You do up your jacket, drag your skis out onto the snow, do up your boots and hop onto the skis. Always makes you out of breath that part, doesn’t it?

Then you have your first ski run. Like a formula 1 driver warming up the tires on the practice lap, you take things nice and slowly, getting in your turns (or ‘getting your legs in’, as we say), and remembering how to ski.

If you want to get a head start before you even leave for the slopes, help is at hand. Check out the series of videos from @SkiSchoolApp, which provide handy hints and tips, and should help improve your skiing technique.

Skiing on snow - cold mountain - skiing tips

Video 1 – Don’t get lazy!

I put my hand up, I’m guilty of this. You know the situation, you’ve been skiing well and hard all morning, then you reach a gentle slope. The hands go by your side and your stance becomes upright. You’re not really trying. Here’s why you shouldn’t do that.

Video 2 – Stay Stacked

Keep your arms out, keep your upper body facing down the slope, and stay ‘stacked’.

Video 3 – Plant those poles!

Pole planting helps keep your body position and turning technique correct. Don’t get lazy, get pole planting


Video 4 – Carve, Don’t Slide

Something most skiers are guilt of, sliding across the snow rather than getting those edges in and letting the skis do the hard work. Hit a patch of ice and sliding or slipping won’t seem so clever.

Do you have any other skiing hints or tips you’d like to share? Feel free to let me know! Safe skiing folks!

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