Ice Diving


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Do what now?

Whilst on our Tignes ski holiday a mate of mine decided to have a go at diving. But not just just any old diving. Ice diving. And not just any old ice diving. He did a night time ice dive under the frozen lake at Tignes Le Lac.

Mark Slater ice diving

The bloke is fairly experienced having done over 40 dives previously, but that didn’t stop the nerves!

Pull on a dry suit, be well briefed and breathe slowly. Covered in hood, gloves and a full face diving mask and equipped with a torch he submerged himself and began the ice dive. Safety ropes beneath the ice were using to mark escape holes.

Ice diving is a great experience aparently. Having said that I’ll just wait for a PADI course and stick to scuba diving in warmer climates. The only drawback for ice diving at night means visibility is limited. Well done Slater!

3 replies
  1. leptonyx
    leptonyx says:

    Hi Simon

    cool pic of the ice diving thing. I will post some pics, links and text on my on pages and blogs in the next days, as I just returned from yet another season of Antarctic diving and expedition guiding.




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  1. […] A friend of mine did this during our 2007 trip. In fact you can read the blog post about it here. You can do a day dive, or a night dive, where you put on a dry suit, head under the ice with a […]

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