St. Patrick’s Day – Its Guinness time!

ShamrockSt. Patrick’s Day – one of my favourite days of the year. Not that any of us need an excuse to drink copious amouts of the black stuff, but three of four pints of Guinness does not go amiss on St. Patrick’s Day!

So let the preparations begin! Funny how the real Guinness drinkers sup the stuff all year round, but when it comes to St. Paddy’s Day the part-time Guinness drinkers are always noticeable; they are usually slumped asleep by the bar after five pints. Pah. Amateurs.

I might even go wild and bake a Guinness cake – pretty tasty, but then again the taste buds go numb sometime around lunchtime on the 17th March each year…

And this year St. Patricks Day is on a Friday, so I’m going to take a stab and say the average number of people who call in sick next Friday will increase by 110%. ‘Slainte‘ guys!!

So, the best things to do on St. Patrick’s Day, 17th March;

  1. Go to Dublin – what better way to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day than with the Irish on the Emerald Isle, drinking the proper black stuff.
  2. Take the day off work and have an all-day session. Come on, its Saturday the next day.
  3. Get a Guinness hat and act like a fool. Same as any other day, but now with a hat.
  4. If your lonely, turn on your computer, hook up to the internet, listen to music online with Pandora, get absolutely BLOTO with Guinness then go and stupidly buy a Nabaztag Rabbit and pretent it’s your new best friend.
Finally, lets get the pint of Guinness joke of of the way. It lasts for about two weeks after St. Patricks Day each year, but is necessary. Just because.
Real Pint of GuinnessProbable Pint of Guinness
So, a pint of Guinness is blonde on top, but the
body is generally darker.

Enjoy the drinking!

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