Pandora closes its doors to UK users

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Pandora - The Music Genome ProjectOnline music provider Pandora is getting ready to block UK users from it’s service due to “unworkable” license rates.

Listen to music with Pandora‘ was one of my first blog posts back in 2006, and I’m sorry to hear Pandora has to pull the plug.

Tim Westergren, the Pandora founder, emailed UK Pandora listeners to convery that royalty collection agencies PPL and MCPS/PRS alliance have demanded absurd rates that Pandora simply cannot meet.

Tim said;

“We have been told to sign these totally unworkable license rates or switch off, non-negotiable…so that is what we are doing.”

“We’re going to keep fighting for a fair and workable rate structure that will allow us to bring Pandora back to you.”

Online radio services such as Pandora and have been struggling to survive after the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) decided to raise royalty fees for web broadcasters.

Pandora was hoping to keep the UK service alive after it closed all of it’s non-US operations after the fee increase, but to no avail. Keep fighting the US Pandora, and hope to have you back soon.

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